Do Teams calls work internationally?

Learn the basics of making phone calls through Microsoft Teams

Do Teams calls work internationally

Knowing what countries uses team for calling 

Calls are a convenient way to join Teams. One-on-one calls are possible or calls with a group of participants. They can be set beforehand, similar to an event or even begin them during chat. While meetings are a fantastic method of collaboration with colleagues, calls are an easier method to connect for the completion of specific tasks or getting answers to questions promptly. Do Teams calls work internationally?  How do I make a telephone call with Microsoft Teams?

Do Teams calls work internationally?

Learn the basics of making phone calls through Microsoft Teams

Do Teams calls work internationally? It is true that Microsoft Teams calls can be used internationally. But, you must be enrolled in a Microsoft Calling Plan that includes international calling minutes. International call minutes are based on the region or country that you’re calling.

Here are the various Microsoft Calling Plans that include minutes for international calls:

  • International calling plan: The plan for International calls offers calling minutes for landlines and mobile phones in selected countries around the globe. The price varies depending on the country.
  • Calling Plan add-on to Microsoft 365 E5: This plan allows unlimited domestic calls and minutes for calling to selected countries around the globe.

Alongside the plan for calling and the phone system, you must purchase the Phone System Add-on License. The license permits you to make and receive calls using Microsoft Teams to make and receive calls. It costs $5.00 per month for each user.

Calling through Microsoft Teams


For the best experience in Team calling, you’ll require these things:

  • Teams calling enabled
    • Your UO phone number needs to be changed into Teams Calling. You’ll be informed before this happens, and during the rollout in 2022.
  • Devices
    • Computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Microphone plus speakers or headphones.
      • Recommended: Headset.
  • Teams application
    • Recommended: It is recommended to use the Teams application that is installed on your mobile or computer device, rather than using Teams via a web browser.
    • Recommended: Highly recommended for desktop and laptop computers, you should use Teams for desktops and laptops. Office 365 version of the Teams app or at the very least Office 2019.
  • For international calling 
    • International calls are possible through Teams in the event that the caller is on an international calling plan, and also if you’re trying to call specific countries.

How to place a call in Microsoft Teams

Step 1: Enter your contact or the phone number you wish to dial

To place a call, select the Calls icon.

  • Desktop or web applications

In the Calls screen you’ll notice that the display is divided in three sections: The setting and dialing panel as well as the history and voicemail panel and the extra functions panel.

Enter either the first name or the last initial of the contact you would like to contact or enter their number. You can also utilize the dial pad to input the number.

  • Mobile application

On the screen for Calls, you will see the speed dial as well as histories screens. Select the + icon and view the dial pad as well as the People list.

You can enter the phone number using the dial pad or you can select the People tab to search for the person you wish to call.

Step 2: Conduct the call

Press the Call button to conduct the call.

Click the Leave button to end the call.

Dialing a phone number in Microsoft Teams

Number format

Teams calling follows the E.164 format as dictated by the International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunications Sector (ITU-T).

  • +[country code] [subscriber number with area code/national destination code]
  • For example: +15413461000 or +1 541-346-1000 or +1 (541) 346-1000
  • Note: You do not need to dial the +

Microsoft Teams UO and Domestic Calling

  • Three-digit dialing (e.g., 411, 511) is possible. Just dial the number and conduct the call.
  • Five-digit dialing (commonly used for dialing a UO extension, x6-####) is possible as well. Dial the extension and conduct the call.
  • Ten-digit calls (e.g., 541-346-####) can be made by dialing the phone number and conducting the call. There is no need to enter 1 before the area code as it is done automatically.

Microsoft TeamsInternational Calling 

  • Since Teams follows the E.164 format, 011 is no longer required
  • Dial the country code then conduct the call.

Microsoft Teams Features while calling 

There are certain features that are available only while calling.

Desktop application

Label Option Function
1 Dial pad The dial pad will appear on the top-center of the window
2 Participants The participants panel will appear on the right
3 Options menu Will allow you to pick from:

  • Device settings
  • Call Health
  • Hold
  • Transfer
  • Consult then Transfer
  • Turn on (or off) live captions
  • Start recording
4 Mute This will mute your microphone
5 Leave This will end your call session

Web application

Label Option Function
1 Mute This will mute your microphone
2 Dial pad The dial pad will appear on the top-center of the window
3 Options Menu Will allow you to pick from:

  • Device settings
  • Entering full screen
  • Hold
  • Transfer
  • Consult then Transfer
  • Start recording
4 Participants The participants panel will appear on the right
5 Leave This will end your call session

Mobile application

The mobile application can be used in place of your smartphone’s operating system default call screen.

Label Option Function
1 Dial pad This will send you to the dial pad screen.
2 Mute microphone This will mute your microphone.
3 Change speaker source This will allow you to switch between the phone’s ear speaker,

speakerphone, and any connected devices.

4 Options menu This menu contains:

  • Chat
  • People (on the call)
  • Share
  • Views
  • Turn on (or off) live captions
  • Put call on hold
  • Transfer
5 Participants screen This will allow you to see the list of participants within the call.
6 Leave This will end the call.

Limits and specifications for Microsoft Teams

Meetings and calls

Feature Maximum limit
Number of people in a meeting (can chat and call in) 1000, includes GCC, GCCH, and DoD, but not A1 (300).
Number of people in a video or audio call from chat 20
Max PowerPoint File Size 2 GB
Teams keeps meeting recordings that don’t get uploaded to Microsoft Stream, available for local download 20 days
Meeting recording maximum length 4 hours or 1.5 GB. When this limit is reached, the recording will end and automatically restart.

Meeting expiration

Meeting type Meeting expires after this much time Each time you start or update a meeting, expiration extends by this much time
Meet now Start time + 8 hours N/A
Regular with no end time Start time + 60 days 60 days
Regular with end time End time + 60 days 60 days
Recurring with no end time Start time + 60 days 60 days
Recurring with end time End time of last occurrence + 60 days 60 days

Live Events

Live events are scheduled events that allow your company to plan and organize events that are streamed to large audiences online, up to 20,000. When live events are held, interaction of the audience is controlled by Q & A.

Feature Maximum limit
Audience size Up to 20,000 attendees 1
Duration of event 4 hours
Concurrent Live Events running in a Microsoft 365 or Office 365 organization  15

The standard 10,000 people are now able to count the 20,000 mark by June 30th 2023. You can plan even larger amounts of live events using Yammer or Microsoft Stream. Notice that events with over 20k attendees will require an application to the Live Events Assistance Program.

You can plan the number of Live Events as you want however you can only run 15 events at each time. Once the producer participates in the live event it’s considered running. If a producer attempts to participate in the event on 16th will receive an error.

Countries/Regions users can make outbound calls to if the user has the Domestic and International Calling Plan license

A – D E – H I – L M – O P – S T – Z
Afghanistan Ecuador Iceland Macau Pakistan Taiwan
Albania Egypt India Macedonia Palau Tajikistan
Algeria El Salvador Indonesia Malawi Palestinian Authority Tanzania, United Republic of
American Samoa Equatorial Guinea Iran Malaysia Panama Thailand
Andorra Eritrea Iraq Mali Paraguay Togo
Angola Estonia Ireland Malta Peru Trinidad and Tobago
Anguilla Ethiopia Israel Marshall Islands Philippines Turkey
Antigua and Barbuda Faroe Islands Italy Martinique Poland Turkmenistan
Argentina Fiji Jamaica Mauritius Portugal Turks and Caicos
Armenia Finland Japan Mayotte Puerto Rico Uganda
Aruba France Jordan Mexico Qatar Ukraine
Australia French Guiana Kazakhstan Micronesia Reunion United Arab Emirates (U.A.E)
Austria French Polynesia Kenya Moldova, Republic of Romania United Kingdom (U.K.)
Azerbaijan Georgia Korea, Republic of Monaco Russian Federation United States (U.S.)
Bahamas Germany Kuwait Mongolia Rwanda Uruguay
Bahrain Ghana Kyrgyzstan Montenegro Saint Kitts and Nevis Uzbekistan
Bangladesh Gibraltar Lao Montserrat Saint Lucia Vatican City State
Barbados Greece Latvia Morocco Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela
Belarus Greenland Lebanon Mozambique San Marino Viet Nam
Belgium Grenada Lesotho Myanmar Saudi Arabia Virgin Islands (British)
Belize Guadeloupe Libya Namibia Senegal Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Benin Guam Liechtenstein Nepal Serbia Wallis and Futuna Islands
Bermuda Guatemala Lithuania Netherlands Singapore Yemen
Bhutan Guinea Luxembourg Netherlands Antilles Slovakia Zambia
Bolivia Guyana New Caledonia Slovenia Zimbabwe
Bosnia and Herzegovina Haiti New Zealand South Africa
Botswana Honduras Nicaragua South Sudan
Brazil Hong Kong Niger Spain
Brunei Darussalam Hungary Nigeria Sri Lanka
Bulgaria Northern Mariana Islands St. Pierre and Miquelon
Burkina Faso Norway Sudan
Cambodia Oman Suriname
Cameroon Swaziland
Canada Sweden
Cape Verde Switzerland
Cayman Islands Syrian Arab Republic
Central African Republic
Congo, Democratic Republic of
Congo, People’s Republic of
Costa Rica
Cote D’Ivoire
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic


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