Which Robocalls Are Illegal?

How to Stop Unwanted Robocalls and Avoid Phone Scams

Which Robocalls Are Illegal

Know What Are Robocalls And How To Handle Them

Robocalls that are in the millions are produced every month across the globe and are often regarded as nuisance. Technology makes it affordable and easy for telemarketers as also scammers to set up fake calls through online networks which is why they’re so prevalent.

Certain robocalls provide useful information like cancellations of flights or reminders for appointments. Although the majority of people who have received unwanted calls from telemarketers or corporations, they may not know that they may be illegal.  Which Robocalls Are Illegal? And what can you do about them.

Which Robocalls Are Illegal?

How to Stop Unwanted Robocalls and Avoid Phone Scams

Which Robocalls Are Illegal? A robocall that tries to sell you something is in violation unless the company making the sale obtained explicit consent in writing from you directly to reach you in this way. If you’re getting a lot of robocalls that are trying to sell the purchase of something to you, it’s likely they’re not legal. There are scams too.

What Are Robocalls?


A robocall can be described as a phone call that broadcasts recorded messages via automated dialing software, which is then delivered to millions of users every day. If you call your number and get an audio message, rather than the person actually talking, it’s an automated call.

Different Types Of Robocall Scams

Below are a few examples of robocall scams that are very common:

  1. Free or low cost travel packages: The promoters notify the consumer via telephone that they were chosen to take advantage of the benefits of a “free vacation” or free airfare, travel and other. But, some consumers have complained they have found that “free” vacations can end with a substantial amount of money due to the fact that the promotional offer was not properly advertised.
  2. Payday loans:  Advertisements which offer advance loans in cash that allow the loan to be paid. However they are offered for a price.
  3. Exaggerated business and investment opportunities: Contacts from callers offering low risk, high return investments. They are trying to earn money from people who don’t research the investment opportunity prior to urging people to sign up right away.
  4. Urgent charity/donation requests: Urgent requests for donations or charity or requests to make immediate donations to current projects for disaster relief.
  5. Foreign lotteries: Fraudsters will contact you and inform you that you have won substantial amounts of money in the international lotto. They’ll request that you pay up front for taxes and processing fees.
  6. Extended car warranties: The phone callers claim to originate from the dealer or manufacturer of your car, informing customers that their warranty on your vehicle is set to expire and asking you to sign up to extend the warranty.
  7. Free trial offers: A few firms offer their customers “free trials” of their products. But, if you look attentively at the terms and conditions they will typically charge you for additional products should you not alter your mind within a specified number of time.

Steps to Avoid Robocalls

  • Don’t pick up calls from unknown callers or numbers.
  • Even if you pick up, hang up immediately. Once you’ve picked up the robocall, scammers can automatically know your number is active, so they keep on calling. If you let the call ring to the end, they think your number is inactive.
  • Don’t share your information with someone you don’t know.
  • Some automated calls might seem like they’re coming from a government agency or trusted company. But keep in mind reputable agencies and companies don’t ask for your personal information over the phone. If you didn’t call the number, don’t share your personal or financial data.
  • Don’t follow the robot’s instructions.
  • Sometimes the robots might prompt you to follow a set of instructions. Unfortunately, if you follow the instructions, the scammers can identify you as a potential victim, resulting in more future robocalls.
  • Report the Robocall to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
  • You can report the call to the FTC by going to DoNotCall.gov. On the website, provide the number on your caller ID, your number, and, if possible, the exact date and time. The FTC uses this information to track and identify the scammers who made the call.
  • The FTC usually releases illegal robocall numbers to the public every business day. As a result, they are helping companies and individuals working on call blocking solutions. Law enforcement agencies can also use the number to pinpoint the perpetrators of the illegal calls.

If you sign up to the following list it will block any telemarketers from calling your regardless of whether they’re not using pre-recorded or automated dialers. The callers have to stop any calls you receive in the next 30 days.

If you’ve been added to the list, and you are still receiving sales calls after the thirty-one day period has expired If you’re not satisfied, then you may file an appeal with the Federal Trade Commission.

The Do Not Call List specifically stops sales calls. But, you might receive other types of calls such as those from charities or political groups. It doesn’t stop companies that collect debt from making calls to collect debt.

How Do I Protect Myself From Robocalls And Scams?


It’s true that your Android and iPhone are mobile devices. It is therefore sensible to protect it from infection that might result from scams involving automated calls in the same way that you would protect all other mobile devices regardless if the device is Windows or Mac in the office and at home. Malwarebytes on iOS is an illustration. It blocks all incoming automated calls as well as texts from fraudulent individuals. The Malwarebytes iOS app also protects users from scams and phishing, and malware. When you visit a fraudulent URL or access a shady website, Malwarebytes will block the site from loading.

Wireless companies also provide new services that display a different version of the wording “possible scam” on the screen for unknown numbers that contact your phone. The service offered by T-Mobile is completely automated, with no prerequisites to sign up. There is no registration to download or sign up for. At AT&T you can join the no-cost Call Protect service. Verizon has also added an option to their Caller ID which will display “SPAM?” in front of the name of the caller if it’s believed to be an uninvited call.

What Happens If I Answer A Robocall?

If you receive an unknown call, the best option is not to answer. If you do take the call, your number is deemed legitimate by fraudsters even if you’re actually in the middle of a scam. They’ll keep calling since they are aware that someone else in the opposite direction might be a victim of scams. The less you respond to robocalls the fewer the number of robocalls you’ll receive.

The challenge is in knowing whether a call is a real robocall or if the message is spam.

In recent times, spoofing phone calls has become more common. The spoofers alter names and numbers that appear as caller IDs while making calls. Usually they attempt to impersonate a real firm or person’s name to trick you into answering the phone call. That’s why, when you click to respond, make sure you’re aware.

There is a lower chance of being scammed by observing these guidelines:

  • Hang up as soon as you realize it’s a robocall: The less interaction you have, the less you interact, and the less you interact the less you engage, the more you will be able to. If you talk or respond to a phone, it might be identified as “live,” and you are subject to additional of them.
  • Avoid saying the word “yes” if you can: Most frauds involving robocalls start with a simple question such as “Hello, can you hear me?” To which a person could respond “yes” without thinking. They can then store the confirmation’s audio and utilize it to commit fraud. Therefore, you should be cautious about answering “yes” when you can.
  • Avoid following the bot’s instructions: Robocalls frequently require you to take actions such as “press 1 to speak to a live representative” or “press 2 to unsubscribe” and on. If you comply with the instructions, you’re confirming to robots that you are an inbound victim and inviting them to call you again. Beware from engaging in any manner.
  • Report the call: In the US in the US you are able to complain about robocalls directly to Federal Trade Commission at donotcall.gov. If you report a number that appears as a caller’s identification number, it will help the FTC determine the identity of the person who are behind the phone call. The FTC will examine the numbers that you report and will distribute those numbers out to the general public throughout the day. This helps phone companies and other partners looking for ways to stop calls. The reports also aid in helping police in identifying the perpetrators responsible for illicit calls.
  • Exercise caution: The damage that robocalls cause is a huge one. Even if they do get your credit card information They’ll eat away at your time. Be wary whenever you receive an unknown phone number. If a company contacts you, hang up and look up their contact number on their site, then dial the number to confirm if the call is legitimate.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Robocall Someone

Once the customer has added contacts, and recorded an individual recording which can be broadcast and broadcast, they need to create the robocall via DialMyCalls. Choose “New Broadcast” and choose to broadcast the robotext or a call and follow the instructions on screen to make the broadcast and send your messages. If they create a robocall, or robo text message, customers can broadcast the message immediately or set it to an earlier date and time. DialMyCalls can be a robocall software which can send around 3000 calls per second to those who have opted-in.

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