What is the difference between CPaaS and CCaaS?

CPaaS vs CCaaS: Differences, Similarities & When to Use

What is the difference between CPaaS and CCaaS

CPaaS vs. CCaaS – Which is Better for Businesses?

Nowadays, businesses are operating with different developments than the ones that have been in place before. A lot of companies are making use of cloud technologies and transferring to the virtual world which allows them to access the world of service providers that can help them on their way. Also known in the industry as “as a service” solutions that help provide customers with a better experience as well as improve communications using the cloud.

Knowing which one is right for your company is the first step to learn what each of them is and the benefits it provides. With all the terms and acronyms that are available it’s hard to keep track of. In this article we’ll glance at CCaaS along with CPaaS. What is the difference between CPaaS and CCaaS? What are they, what they do and how they function and which one is the most suitable option for your company.

What is the difference between CPaaS and CCaaS?


What is the difference between CPaaS and CCaaS? The main difference in CPaaS as well as CCaaS can be seen in the fact that CPaaS can be described as an API programming code that is plugged into your applications to provide new communication features, while CCaaS is a fully-developed software application with built-in communication capabilities.

A CPaaS platform comes with APIs, SDKs, as well as documents for your developers to integrate an unidirectional capability, such as outbound voice calling into the software code of your app and allowing new uses. This API is built upon an application for business that you already have and created.

However the CCaaS solution isn’t only the capability of communicating, it also provides an entire solution for contacting and a range of features, channels and tools. You can subscribe to a comprehensive application that is hosted and operated by the provider.

This table highlights the main distinctions in CPaaS as well as CCaaS:

Feature CPaaS CCaaS
  • Target audience
Developers Contact centers
  • Deployment model
Self-service Fully hosted and managed
  • Customization
Highly customizable Less customizable
  • Features
Basic communication features (e.g., voice, SMS, video chat) Comprehensive contact center features (e.g., IVR, call routing, agent management, reporting)
  • Pricing
Pay-as-you-go Subscription-based

What is CCaaS?

CCaaS is a term used to describe a Contact Center as a Service. It is an online platform that is designed to ease the burden of businesses that need to communicate with their customers. This platform, as well as the the companies who provide the platforms are able to be used for all types of backend communications solutions providing cost-effective, adaptable options for today’s business.

They come in various shapes and sizes. The aim is to engage with customers more quickly than ever. CCaaS improves the consistency of communication throughout the customer journey, even if you outsource certain aspects of the job. Most platforms include features like:

  • Virtual attendants
  • Advanced reporting tools
  • Call recording options
  • Agent coaching and live monitoring
  • Softphone for inbound and outbound dialing
  • Automated call routing and distribution

CCaaS gives you a speedy start and offers a decent value for money and a wide range of features to choose from. You can also observe performance and track calls. Additionally most of these systems can be described as “plug and play,” meaning they can be used right from the time of installation. They also have customizable features for those who wish to use them. If you’re in a position to make your team more productive, it may be a way to handle your communications better.

Crucial Features of CCaaS

  • CCaaS comes with the ability to record and manage calls, which improves the quality of calls and enhances the user experience.
  • All calls can be completed quickly by a couple of clicks instead of dialing a number.
  • Includes software analytics tracking and customer experience tracking features.
  • One of CCaaS features is whisper coaching, where the supervisors are able to hear the agent’s voice so that they can provide advice to the agent.
  • Features that include IVR that connect callers to the appropriate department.
  • Includes the feature of virtual attendants
  • CCaaS platform comes with an interface that is cloud-based. agents can collaborate from any part of the world.
  • One of the most important aspects in the CCaaS system is Live Feed, through which agents can be monitored by supervisors in activities in real time.

There is an enormous increase in demand for and use of the CCaaS platform. Based on the predictions of experts, the CCaaS market will increase to $27 billion in the next few years. The increase in the CCaaS platform has increased the dependency on digital communications channels.

Benefits of using CCaaS

Implementing CCaaS within your company’s tech stack can improve the efficiency of your call management as well as your customers’ experience (CX) such as:

  • Speed to first call: Plug-and-Play capability. IT is able to easily establish the platform and agents can start using it the moment they have access to the software on their devices.
  • Cost-effective: The price of utilizing CCaaS is considerably lower than the expense of equipment, server space, and special maintenance that an on-site call center system needs.
  • Feature variety: Variety of features such as text, voice videos, calls, apps and channel integrations, as well as tools to improve customer experience are all part of the cloud-based CCaaS platform. Your customers can communicate to your business through a variety of methods through SIP integrations.
  • Analytics: CCaaS lets companies keep track of calls, look over the content of calls and track the performance of agents and their KPIs.
  • Elevate CX: Customers are able to connect with your business in any way they’d like to – social phone, mobile, email live chat, telephone agents do not have to switch between different devices to reply.

What is CPaaS?


CPaaS is a shorthand in the term Communications Platform as a Service and is a specially developed communication tool to help organizations to improve their communication skills. The platform is integrated with development environments to facilitate the integration of communication capabilities quickly and easily.

In simple terms, CPaaS is a cloud-based delivery model that lets an organization add video, voice and messaging functions to their business software by using APIs.

With the aid of CPaaS businesses can completely customize its communication stack. With this platform, companies can let employees talk with their customers and one another via any device they wish.

Crucial Features of CPaaS

  • One of the most appealing features of CPaaS is the fact that it provides global and regional reach. If a business has implemented the CPaaS platform and has any partner brands, it could gain instant access to a variety of carriers across the globe.
  • CPaaS is flexible, reliable and secure. Businesses that use CPaaS can easily expand or reduce their usage based on their current requirements. The best part is that companies need to only pay for their usage.
  • The top CPaaS platform can be used with a variety of programming languages. This makes it simple for in-house developers of an enterprise to modify their communication systems. Whatever they know about code developers can apply them to modify the CPaas.
  • The CPaas platform brings the capabilities of the latest IP communications systems as well as traditional phone networks.

Key Benefits of CPaaS

Let’s see why this CPaaS technology will benefit us.

  • With CPaaS technology it will have an essential required training for staff and employees. CPaaS is an ideal option for employees to train by using a brand new software but is not a completely new communication system.
  • CPaaS can be scalable, which means companies of all sizes can effectively utilize it. There is also no requirement for infrastructure or hardware to be installed when it’s concerned with CPaaS.
  • CPaaS is reasonably priced and therefore an ideal choice for many small-scale businesses. In comparison to other on-premise systems, CPaaS is cost-effective as it allows businesses to pay only for the services they require and use. Additionally, CPaaS platforms have a community-based model that leads to less developer-related costs.

Difference between CPaaS and CCaaS

Difference between CPaaS and CCaaS

  • Objective difference: The major distinction between the two CPaaS or CCaaS is the type of services they provide to companies. CPaaS allows organizations to create and create their personal communication system by modifying to their current devices. This ensures a seamless network both inside and outside of the company.However, CCaaS aims to improve the consistency of business interactions with clients using channels that are favored by customers. CPaaS could be described as a backend messaging site that is flexible and provides benefits in terms of cost savings. CCaaS On contrary, is an opportunity for the transmission of data to call centers, enabling seamless collaboration with clients, without issues.
  • Business domain difference: Both organizations aim to guarantee cost adequacy. However they differ in the manner they allow for flexibility. CPaaS allows organizations to be flexible by delivering tools that are specialized based on their own internal business communication needs. However, CCaaS is complete, flexible programming that allows you to work with the client simple and fast.
  • Compatibility difference: CCaaS can be beneficial and efficient for clients-driven companies such as call centers. CPaaS is, on the other hand, focused on establishing a connection between the employees of an organization, or at times, between clients and the business.
  • Usability difference: Companies who are establishing call centers should certainly consider CCaaS. It’s because it comes into action as an alternative to software’s inflexibility. CPaaS On its other side, aids companies by providing cloud-based communication services, such as chatbots, video calls and many more. They do this by building their own contact center software.
  • Cost efficiency difference: CPaaS that provides additional tools for software used by the company. It is less expensive than CCaaS. This is because it’s much more focused on adjusting to changes. CCaaS is higher priced because it is an option that is custom-made for companies looking to create their own call center.
  • Development process difference: CPaaS providers have to create a group of developers with the required capabilities to develop software that is reliable and comes with all the features included. CCaaS can be used as an additional program which can be added to the software for contact centers that businesses already use.
  • Customizability difference: CPaaS allows companies and organizations to customize their communication channels based on their needs and requests from clients. CCaaS is not flexible and requires a lot of changes to the product’s coding regarding the customizing of specific highlighters and other tools.

Comparison of CPaaS, CCaaS & UCaaS

Let us compare the core attributes of CPaaS, CCaaS & UCaaS:

Small enterprises have traditionally driven UCaaS solutions, but as traditional and on-premises UC facilities failed to fulfill the cooperation needs of distant workers during the pandemic, adoption amongst major businesses grew. Because contact centers are more intricate and have numerous moving parts, CCaaS adoption has trailed behind UCaaS acceptance in larger enterprises. However, similar to UCaaS, the addition of BYOC has rendered CCaaS a much more appealing choice for businesses with on-premises contact centers. CPaaS can be approached in two ways by businesses. They could use vendor-provided APIs to create their existing applications.
The buyer in charge of an institution’s UCaaS procurement varies according to the size of the company. IT and consumer experience (CX) executives are among the CCaaS buyers. IT is largely accountable for overseeing the APIs throughout this self-service strategy for app development.
In smaller firms, the UCaaS buyer is usually the telecom manager, whereas in big organizations, the UCaaS buyer is usually the CIO.


The IT division is often in charge of platform purchases, but CX leaders are in charge of app purchases.


Another option is to leverage CPaaS APIs to allow communication across apps for various business processes.


Although UCaaS, CCaaS, and CPaaS provide a variety of benefits, they have several common advantages.

Those include:

  • Cloud-based administration (fast and easy to set up with no hardware required)
  • Lower cost than standard phone networks
  • Improves efficiency by implementing representative methods and minimizes mistakes through automation and integration.
  • Flexible and flexible: Modern analysis and report options
  • Cloud-based applications for call centers have been gaining popularity as a feasible method to grow a call-based community with the same cost effectiveness.

Additionally, the experience for clients is also continuing to improve. UCaaS, CCaaS, and CPaaS are more viable alternatives today than traditional telephone frameworks, or older innovations, some time ago.

CCaaS: When to Use It?

If your company is not equipped with an app or internal developers, you can use CCaaS to offer a range of functions in communication and communications channels. Important aspects to think about when deciding on your CCaaS solution are the following:

  • Pricing
  • Performance Analytics
  • Third-party integrations
  • Phone system calling costs/rates
  • How long will it take to train new agents until they fully adopt the software

CPaaS: When to Use It?

If you already use a communications application or would like to add some isolated channels, consider CPaaS. The most important factors to take into consideration when deciding on your CPaaS solution are the following:

  • Pricing
  • Analytics
  • Skills-based routing
  • Messaging, chat, and social media

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a CCaaS platform?

The CCaaS (contact center as a service) platform is a cloud-based software program that provides communication channels and functions to users.

What is a CPaaS example?

A good example of CPaaS is the case where Uber utilizes Twilio’s messaging service to notify you via text message that your ride is waiting at the curb. Twilio’s API Twilio API facilitates communication between the Uber app and cellular carriers.

How big is the CPaaS market?

According to Statista, the CPaaS market is currently at $5.9 billion. It is predicted to reach $17 billion by 2023.

What are the similarities between CPaaS, CCaaS & UCaaS?

  1. Cloud-based administration (fast and simple setup with no hardware required)
  2. Costs lower than traditional telephone networks
  3. Improves efficiency by implementing representative methods and reduces the chance of errors through automation and integration.
  4. Flexible and flexible
  5. Advanced analytics and options for reporting
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